St Mary’s Church, Cleobury Mortimer
Minutes of the PCC meeting held on Thursday 19th September 2024 at 7.30pm in St. Mary's Church.
Present: Ashley Buck, Liz Smith, Danielle Collins, Jenny Watkins, Linda Lambert, Ina Hodgson, Nigel Hodgson, Hannah Coleman, Sarah Wilde, Francesca Boufarouj
1. Opening prayer.
2. Apologies for absence: Gill Clarke
3. Approval of minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2024
Correction to minutes of 11th July 2024: flower bed.
4. Matters arising
The Children's Corner has been refurbished. Some items are awaiting delivery, including illustrated service books.
We now have 2 Bluetooth speakers for Family Services and other events that may require music other than that which can be played on the piano or organ.
Flower beds in the grounds of the church: a planting and maintenance plan has been requested by Dot McBride (clerk to town council).
Website ownership: FB to investigate best website options and report back to the PCC. A Church Near You was discussed but decided against due to previous issues with the site. AB noted that he would prefer a host based in the UK.
5. Finance / Budget / Fundraising (HC): The Finance report was circulated ahead of the meeting. HC attended finance training with the Diocese and reported that some restricted funds aren't actually restricted, but we have designated them as such. Awards for All is restricted. The donation for the piano is showing under ‘restricted’ because it was gifted specifically for the piano. Unrestricted funds: we have chosen to allocate the £500 to the children's corner (balance of the £1000 Roger Skelhorn bequest); it wasn't donated specifically for that purpose.
Impact Report is now available online and hard copies are in church.
£5000 donation from Margaret Robinson: HC suggested we think about how this could be used to avoid it being swallowed up by general use.
It was clarified that fundraising funds will be used for vital projects.
Update on piano purchase: LS has spoken to Ecclesiastical Insurance. Adding the piano to the insurance policy will cost £8.95 per year. Helena has sourced delivery for £100, and a padded dust cover to protect it in transit will cost £200. Proposed by LS, seconded by NH. Passed unanimously.
6. Maintenance ( NH ): the Maintenance Team meeting took place on 6th September. NH’s report was circulated ahead of the meeting. Main points and some updates: 5 yearly testing ( £725 plus VAT) and PAT (£3.50 per item plus VAT) is to go ahead. Existing light fittings to be serviced and 10 replaced at the same time as the testing. The cost will be £1483.83 plus VAT. Fitting 3 emergency lights was quoted for at a cost of £1764 plus VAT. Lightning conductor is to be tested and boilers are to be serviced.
7. Pastoral Care ( LS ): The Pastoral Care Team needs to be approved as Local Pastoral Visitors to be DBS compliant.
It is proposed that the following members of the Pastoral Care Group re approved to be Local Pastoral Visitors: Liz Smith, Carol Turner, Ina Hodgson, Avril Kemp, Jenny Watkins, Sunila Fernando, Lucy Schoelles and Leo Castledine. Proposed by AB, seconded by HC. Passed unanimously.
A Dementia Awareness course has been completed by several team members.
8. Pastoral Matters ( AB ): Mark and Alex Daborn have moved into their new home near Catherton Common. Martin Quayle has reached the end of his term and now automatically becomes a member of our team. Bob Jones (retired Archdeacon) will be volunteering in the Diocese of Worcester but is also licenced to work in Cleobury Mortimer too.
9. Youth and Family work ( AB ): No further progress on Bishop's Mission Order for The Hub. AB continues to work closely with the schools, including the upcoming Harvest Festival and recent Charter Day Service. AB will also be going to Farlow and Kinlet schools.
10. Deanery Synod: The Synod has not happened yet but will be taking place on 2nd October. There will be discussion about getting help for Ludlow (assistant minister and lay worker).
11. Safeguarding ( LS ): Nothing reported. LS is updating her leadership training on Monday 23rd September.
12. Church Development Group ( NH )
Balustrade and architect instructions: NH’s report was circulated ahead of the meeting. Philip Belchere has been appointed as architect, and acceptance from the Diocese has been received. Approval from the PCC is needed for a glass balustrade around the platform, rails from the steps to the church floor, and rails for the tower steps. Materials alone will be approximately £3,500 plus VAT. NH recommended a budget of £10,000 for materials, fitting and architect fees.
Balustrade project proposed by LL, seconded by SW. Passed unanimously. NH to start faculty process.
Kitchen and catering project: NH proposed engaging Philip Belchere to start a design and costings for this project. Plans for kitchen proposed by AB, seconded by JW. Passed unanimously.
The Grumpy Old Men's Club have offered to utilise their contacts for project management and workmen/women, as they are keen to be involved in a project to benefit the town.
Energy consultation: the report will provide ideas on ways the church can become more energy efficient.
13. Any Other Business: none
14. Date of Next Meeting and Closing Prayer
Date of next meeting: 21st November in the Market Hall.