St Mary’s Church, Cleobury Mortimer

Minutes of the PCC meeting held on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 7.30pm in the Market Hall.


Ashley Buck, Liz Smith, Danielle Collins, Francesca Boufarouj, Hannah Coleman, Sarah Wilde, Linda Lambert

1. Opening prayer: the meeting was opened with a prayer by Ashley Buck.

2. Apologies for absence: Nigel Hodgson, Ina Hodgson, Jenny Watkins, Gill Clarke, Sunila Fernando 

3. Approval of minutes of meeting held on 21st March 2024. Proposed by Hannah Coleman, seconded by Liz Smith.

4. Matters arising: There were none.

5. Finance / Budget / Fundraising: HC shared the first quarter budget in advance of the meeting. Expenditure is on track. AB raised SMYP share- this will be reallocated. No immediate decision will be taken on charitable giving to allow time to review community work within the church and where money for that is needed. HC confirmed that we have to finalise the Parish Offer in July.

6. Maintenance: There was nothing to report.

7. Pastoral Care: The work of the Pastoral Group continues in the form of visits and phone calls.

8. Pastoral Matters: The next three years document- this was shared by AB in advance and will consist of 3 separate groups to take control of different areas. In summary, Worship group will take responsibility for different areas of worship, Pastoral Care group will remain as it is, and Building group will take responsibility for the church building’s maintenance and planning. 

Churches Together with St. Elizabeth’s- this is now back on track and further activities should hopefully follow.

9. Youth and Family work: AB reported that he is continuing to work with the primary school and Lacon Childe, and this will continue. 

Charter Day Service- further groups will be invited for future services (800 year anniversary service)

10. Deanery Synod: This hasn't yet happened.

11. Safeguarding: No incidents reported. LS reported she has shared details of safeguarding training with those that need to complete it. This will take place on 12th June 2024. DBSs need to be updated for those that haven't signed up for the update service. All safeguarding procedures were reviewed and approved during the Visitation.

12. Church Development Group: The Tower Project report was shared in advance of the meeting by Chris Kippin. Approval of final aspects of the project for completion proposed by Ashley Buck, seconded by Linda Lambert. This was voted on and passed unanimously. 

13. Any Other Business: LS reported we are struggling for volunteers generally.


Moroccan Afternoon Tea fundraising event to be held on Sunday 14th July 2024.

Volunteers for Worship group: LL, HC, DC and FB.  

14. Date of Next Meeting and Closing Prayer. The meeting closed with the Grace at 8.36pm.

Dates of future meetings:

11th July 2024

19th September 2024

21st November 2024

16th January 2025

20th March 2025

10th April 2025 (AGM)